The term might sound a bit sci-fi. Why is the floor floating? What does it mean to float a floor? It’s actually more down-to-earth than you might think. Here’s what you need to know about floating flooring. What is floating flooring? This is a method of flooring installation that allows... View Article
Sure, you can install some hardwood, tile or carpeting that looks like every other floor you’ve ever seen, but why not go with some unique flooring ideas instead? Make your space truly your own, and wow your guests with your creative, unusual flooring ideas from the moment they set foot... View Article
If you’re a new homeowner, chances are you want to take every step possible to preserve your new abode. This can include not wearing shoes in your house. While this might seem academic and obvious, if you have small children, it can be anything but. While children are certainly exposed... View Article
If you’re building a home or beginning a kitchen remodeling project, you may be wondering what types of kitchen flooring options are available to you. If that’s the case, then you’re in luck, because there are numerous options that offer all different kinds of benefits. There’s no consensus on the... View Article
With so many different types of flooring choices out there, you might be wondering how to choose the right flooring for your home in Bakersfield, CA. Well, this can depend on many different factors, including where your flooring will be installed, what type of flooring material you prefer and if... View Article