When you invest in new tile installation in Bakersfield, CA, you get to enjoy fresh, clean floors like you probably haven’t seen in years, which is why that first spill or accident after tile installation can be such a disappointment. And even if you’re not visibly dirtying your new floors,... View Article
Getting new carpet can feel like a luxury. You’ll want to walk around barefoot all day, feeling the soft, clean fibers beneath your toes. However, new carpet can lose its shine as fast as a new car, and you may find that drops, spills and just the grime from your... View Article
As far as home decorating goes, carpeting is considered one of the most difficult features to decide on. There are so many styles, patterns, fiber types, levels of quality, brands and, of course, colors to choose from. In fact, choosing a color of carpet is by far the most difficult... View Article
The first thing you’ll notice when shopping for new flooring is the many material options available. Among others, there’s carpet, tile, stone, vinyl, fabricated wood and real wood, all of which have their benefits and drawbacks. But the right flooring option for you depends on a few factors, including the... View Article
Spring is a popular time not only for cleaning, but also for home maintenance. And if you’re really feeling adventurous, you might be looking into redoing your flooring in Bakersfield, CA. However, what colors are in style, and which will raise the value of your home? You’ve come to the... View Article