Warm, welcoming facilities make a big difference for your business. When employees are proud of their workplace, they work better. Likewise, when customers or clients visit, well-maintained facilities give them the right impression.
Capitalizing on high quality carpet or a commercial vinyl flooring installation in Bakersfield, Kern County, and Landco, CA is a great way to stand out. At All American Carpet Inc, we provide you with the commercial flooring options you need to create the best business environment. Look to us for quality products, top industry names and expert installation services.
Which Material is Right for You?
Is luxury hardwood the best flooring option for your company’s offices? Or, should you be looking for commercial carpet installers in Bakersfield, CA? The answer depends on your budget and the atmosphere you’re trying to create.
Carpet is a cost-effective option that can help dampen sound in larger areas. It also comes in a broad range of colors and styles to fit with your overall aesthetic. The down fall is that some carpets show their wear in high-traffic areas and stains can accumulate with time.
Hardwood and luxury vinyl are great for a high-end appeal, but are costlier options. They can give your business dramatic appeal and impress clients and customers. Laminate flooring is a great compromise on price and style, but might not be suited for larger areas where noise control is a concern.
Our Selection
Our selection of commercial flooring spans all types of materials and trusted, reputable brands. Whether you’re remodeling an office, retail space, commercial venue, movie theater, government building or any other space, you’ll find no shortage of options here!
With brands like Shaw and Mohawk available, we have the power to elevate the appeal of your commercial space, while extending the benefits of great flooring to your entire workplace atmosphere.
Boost Your Business’ Appeal
The right flooring material can transform your commercial space. Visit the showroom at All American Carpet Inc to see for yourself today! We bring you the best in carpet, Shaw laminate flooring, vinyl flooring, hardwood and other materials, alongside expert carpet and commercial vinyl flooring installation services for every product we sell.
Questions about pricing, installation or a specific material for your facilities? Reach our commercial carpet installers at 661-325-3767 to learn more.